Saturday, June 30, 2012

Abram: 3 months

That's right, I'm kinda a month behind...seeing that my lil man is now actually 4 months old makes me  realize just how busy and behind I am on posting his milestones.  

Abram: 3 Months

Big boy has been doing some BIG things...
sitting in his bumbo for first time

rolled over from back to tummy first time

reaches for faces and pulls hair

laughs out loud

These two are rarely seen away from each other.  She adores him and he has taken quite a liking to her lately too.  Its so fun to see him recognize her face and giggle.

Abram got to take his first BIG boy vacation recently!  We took a very long, road trip to VA for a cousin's graduation.  All kiddos did amazing, despite my fears.  Abram is a very laid back, sweet natured little dude.  Not much trips him up.  Look at that sweet smile :)

Wearing 0-3 month clothes.  Last weight check 10 lb 5oz
Size 1 diapers

Still sleeping well.  Mostly sleeps til 5 am, eats then back to sleep you go.  
Eating (breastfeeding only) every 2-3 hours during day.

I feel so blessed to have you little man in my life.  
You are a treat.  
I can't wait to see what the next few months (and years) will be like!
We love you...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

End of another milestone...

UPDATE: I have worked on this post SEVERAL times.  This new blogger throws me for a loop sometimes.  I kept putting it in draft so that I would fix it before posting.  Now realizing I will never, ever figure it out.  So-- here is my wonky post of pics.  Enjoy

Ayla has had alot of awesome events recently.  She wrapped up the end of her second year of dance with three very busy, but very precious dance recitals.  I feel very blessed to be a part of the dance studio in our town.  I am not sure how much longer I will be able to continue teaching and coaching dance.  But, I feel like God has blessed me with talents and love to share with young girls.  I love that my daughters both share the love of dance as I do.

Abram snoozing at program

Ayla also finished up her first year of school.  She has grown so much physically, mentally, & spiritually. She was blessed to be a part of Ms. Jami's last class at WC Preschool.  Ms. Jami really helped nurture Ayla's growing spirituality- from which is was reminded (from someone other than Mommy &  Daddy) daily to pray in all situations and to love everyone.  She started preschool not really having a drive to learn much at home and not knowing her alphabet to recognizing most all of her letters upper and lower and now loves to burn through our preschool books at home.  We have our curriculum to continue with phonics and journaling- with hopes to be reading some words before her next school year.  We are so proud of her!!

We went to the park to celebrate summer with friends!!

Ay & Ms JaMI

what we've been up to!

Summer has kept us busy with visiting friends, birthday parties, and lots of firsts.
Ayla has lost her first and second tooth, both girls caught their first fish, we started swim lessons & dance practice, and tried to sneak in alot of snuggles in between.

Leah is growing like a weed and working on her journal (when we remember).  Abram is laughing out loud, smiling alllll the time, and all around a really great baby.  

We feel so blessed to parent our children.  Though most nights I am exhausted and sometimes stressed, I really wouldn't change a thing.  I love my little family :)  I regret not keeping up with our craziness.  No way do I want to forget a second of this summer... I promise to be better!

Photo wrap up!