Jackson Ryan, Baby A, is currently on a c-pap machine. This essentialy forces air in his lungs to keep his respiratory rate under control. He seems to still be struggling a bit, but has good output and decent coloring. He has a full head of soft, fluffy blond hair and likes to be cuddled on his tummy.
Noah Westley, Baby B, was placed on a vent this morning when they found a sm air leak in his lungs. This has caused and area of his lungs to collapse. Since being on the vent he is resting better and adequately perfusing oxygen, but we'd much rather he be weaned off asap! He seemed comfortable and able to move around better, but his urine output is poor so he is holding on to too much fluid.
This family needs your love and prayers right now. As mommy & daddy (Matt & Kerri) sit and wait for the time they get to hold their little ones for the first time. Please help them find strength and patience. As for the boys, we need them to keep fighting and not tire out on this long road. We are very optimistic of thier recovery especially with your prayers surrounding them.
They will be in our prayers. It is so easy to take for granted healthy children. I couldn't imagine not getting to hold my little one when it was born. Our thoughts and prayters are definately with them.
I'm praying Court!
Court- also on the subject of prayer... God has really put it on my heart in the last few days to be praying for all these other pregnant gals that I know! I'd love to add your name to a list on my blog that I'm going to put up, but thought I better get everyone's permission first. If you don't want to be included on the public list that's fine, I'll still be praying for you and lil' Leah! Let me know, I'm so excited about this!
yay~ thanks for getting back with me :)
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