Seems like the days & weeks are flying by. Its hard for this mama to understand how big her girls are getting and very soon a new addition will be arriving. Christmas is right around the corner and the girls are REALLy into it this year. Which is helpful, since its 50 deg outside, causing a delay in my holiday spirit.

Id say we're done with our Christmas prepartions.... tree is up, lights are hung, we've watched the grinch daily for 2 weeks, etc. Not too mention the massive amounts of baking and sampling of sweets in our house. :) Hot chocoloate is a fave for all of us. And this year I haven't scrimped on it and went 'box' cocoa. We're drinking the real deal.

We've also made our first batch of teacher gifts. Weird. And made gingerbread cookies to decorate and "eat". I was so excited about doing this. The girls were pumped. They turned out beautiful! BUT I spit out my first bite. I guess I don't like gingerbread? Who knew? Its smells so lovely.... oh well. After my weigh in at the md today- it was a good thing I don't like gingerbread!
I am getting a bit sappy this close to baby #3's arrival! I look at this picture and realize I do NOT have a baby in the house right now. Both of my girls are growing up so fast and are at extremely fun ages!

Ms. Sassafrass def enjoyed the sweets!

We moved on to gingerbread contruction. I wasn't too sure how my first batch of gingerbread would really turn out, so I opted for the kit at Walmart. We used it last year and its SO nice to just have the icing, candy, etc plus the house is sturdy and up!

Ayla especailly enjoyed this. She seems to be a math girl. Must get that from her daddy. She is really into counting and does well into the 30's. She did paterns on her side of the roof and all the border. She was very particular. We all know Leah did not do that, but that is one thing I love about being a mom. We can celebrate our differences from day 1 :)

Owens Gingerbread Home 2011