You are learning to trace letters well but not distinguishing many letters quite yet (can do A, L, O, X). You enjoy coloring, painting and play dough. Can spell your name sometimes. Can count to 20. Working on counting backwards.
Your favorite things are your stuffed dog/cats... baby dog/cat, big sister dog/cat, and mommy dog/cat. Love to run outside. Often chasing butterflies. Refuse to pedal a big kid bike, no desire. Coloring. My Little Ponies. Blowing bubbles. Anything girly or princess.
You became a big sister this year and it fits you well. You are wonderful at helping with some tasks and love to hold "brother".
How quickly a year goes by and how much I now realize you've grown and changed. I pray you are always this passionate, that you grow in your relationship with our Lord, and that you love as big as your personality is. Mommy can't wait to see what next year brings!
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