Thursday, May 27, 2010
Some of the happies are being created into gifts for sweet babies coming into our lives. Look away Jessie :) I am quickly falling in love with them. A few of my fave shirts are adorned with rosettes, so I figured why can't I make a few for myself.
Playgroup: Summertime Edition
Its hot, man!
So we slathered up with sunscreen and headed out the door.
Check out that belly. Delicious.
Ayla did not get the concept of running and throwing yourself on the ground for fun.
Though she giggled and watched her buds. Lanie has got it down.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Leah Hope: 13 months
Wow. I was so good at this. Every month marker I took pics on the day and posted. But, it hit me the other day that her 13th month marker had past. Really? Was that the fastest month of my life- or what?
Regardless, we're here. She is getting so big! I am so proud of her and just fall in love with her personality every day. She has got me wrapped around her finger, I tell ya. I better get ready for the 14 month mark- bc its right around the corner!
Leah Hope at 13 months is....
weighs 23.2lbs & 31.5in tall
walking and running Every.Where.
very social. But learning her boundries. Likes to touch, scratch, grab & explore people & faces. That isn't always awesome. Most other kids don't like this. But, she is a lover. She loves to give kisses and hugs really tight.
still very much a Mommy's girl :)
talking more and more every day. New (clear) words this month cak-a (cracker), mimi (my mom), papaw (p's are very pronouced), ap-ple (again love the p's) & nana (banana). She mostly jabbers and looks at you like you're nuts for not knowing what she is saying.
her hair is growing. Doesn't totally dig for Ma to put in her pretties though.
a little piggy. Eats.all.the.time. I seriously feel like I am feeding her every hour. Her fave foods are yogurt, berries, noodles, cheese, graham crackers, raisins or dried fruits.
likes to push cars around and say vrrrroom, digs in the sandbox, follows her sister, take walks, loves to be outside. Starting to sit through books now (yay!). There are so many books I have been wanting to update our collection.
loves looking at her animal book. Can point out several animals when asked (if she wants to cooperate) like cow, horse, dog, cat, bird, duck, & monkey. Can make animal noises for dog, cat, duck, sometimes cow & roars for lion, tiger, bear, dino- anything big ha.
Can make a 1 with her fingers when asked how old she is.
Music moves her. When music is on she dances and sways her hips. She also mimics Ayla & I when we sing- so sweet.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Happy Preschool Graduation, Wyatt
Monday, May 17, 2010
Im posting again...
I want an excuse to stay sitting on the couch.
I don't want to do another load of laundry, dishes, sweep, clean baths, etc.
A house is supposed to be lived in, not looked at right?
PMS has made me eat at least 6x today, posting gives my stomach a break before dinner.
The rain is down right depressing.
Ayla is sitting at the table clinking crayons against my flower vase (of wilted flowers I've yet gotten around to tossing). She's singing a sweet song and entertaining herself.
Im going so crazy that Leah's babbles are starting to sound like Nell. Ya know.. from the movie Nell. Please, tell me someone saw this movie in the 90's. Its deep. For those who have seen it.... Leah is a "tay n da winnn"!
If you're reading this and thinking Im crazy... you're probably right!
It was a busy weekend. My friend Brittany and I went on a rollercoaster trip up north. It was alot of fun (didn't start that way though). We got great deals. I came home feeling good about my finds at the outlet mall and from yard sales. I should share some of my fave deals.... hmmm. Id say my fave is a nearly never used coat and matching coveralls for this winter for Leah $5. I purchased a similar set for Ayla last year (which should be able to use again) at TJMaxx for $25.
On other news, girls had well checks. Both healthy chicks minus allergy issues. Leah was in the 90% for weight at 23.2lbs and 75% height 31 in. Ayla has always been on/below 50% so this is crazy to me! Regardless, both girls are happy and healthy. My next goal is to stop buying pull ups for nighttime for Ay. She rarely pees at night, but still does at times. Then all the sudden became attached to a cup in her bed and her pull up was always wet. I cut the cup out this week and she's not wet since. So proud of her. I know this is a little late, but I just didn't push the situation. Esp with her bathroom under construction.
Hope this rain stops so I have more interesting things to update on!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Ayla's art
Happy Birthday...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ayla Joy: 3 years
You are so special to Daddy, Leah, and I. We are so proud of the big girl you've become. Accomplishing goals, growing big and strong, always being polite, and becoming a sister has made this year so great. Thank you so much for being you.
Ayla Joy at 3 years....
31.2 lbs, 36.5 in tall
Speaks well. Clear vocabulary. Learning letters- recognizes A-D mostly. Recites alphabet. Can count to 15 fairly well. Short attention span during structured learning activities.
Very into imaginary play. Tutus, hats, music=dancing. Always making me "lunch" or "tea" Loves to dress up! Very girly. Doesn't like to get dirty.
Has many close friends. Speaks mostly of Meredith or Lanie. We try to see them on a weekly basis.
Still very cautious and somewhat shy. Becoming more easily social with others she doesn't know well. Her cowardly-ness (bless her heart) holds her back a bit. But we try to not make a big deal and gently push her to do things. She shivers when going down Brittany's steep stairs-ha- as Meredith flies down them! Another example- walking the beam at gymnastics. She very much wants to and definitely can- but still refuses to let go of my pinky finger.
Can ride tricyle well. Learning her big girl bike- a little intimidated. Learning to skip.
Loves to be outside. Helps in the landscaping. Digs in her sandbox. Goes on walks. And plays well on her own.
Try to do a daily devotional book with her. She doesn't totally understand everything we talk about to do, but its something in the right direction. She asks alot of questions and loves learning about her God. This is something she will value forever.
Eats well. 3 meals a day plus a couple snacks. She Loves snacks. Her fave foods are cheese, yogurt, chicken nuggets, spaghetti and salad.
Asks "WHY" constantly.
Had first surgery April 2010- bil myringotomy. Adjusted well.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Ayla Joy!
Ayla blowing out her candles
It turned out to be a great party even though it was chillllly! We grilled out and had a bounce house for the kiddos to entertain themselves. Even some "adults" entertained themselves. :) All in all it was a great time!
(Leah in the bounce house) (Prince Koen properly saying hello)
I didn't take as many pictures because I was entertaining a house full. But, Ayla looked so beautiful as my little princess. She introduced herself as "Princess Ayla" and said "dont worry mommy- I special." Yes you are indeed.
The only picture of my two girls together... geez. I should have hired a photog. ha
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day 2010
This was the picture I "wanted" minus my big girl sad. We were all so worn out from our celebration the day before.
The Owens grandchildren. Ayla, Ridge, Leah, Fischer, & Wyatt
My beautiful angels.... I am so blessed