Welcome to the new & improved playroom! Awhile back I posted about switching the playroom into where the guestroom was. I briefly showed you a few pics from the move over, and
as usual I was just not satified with how it looked.
Something just seemed unfinished or dirty or something, who knows. I vowed once we moved stuff that was it- HA After batting my eyelashes & pouting a bit (what?! hehe) Jeff agreed to paint the room for me. Believe me, I would totally paint while he was at work, but Im too busy carrying our lil baby in my belly. I doubt she'd enjoy the fumes! I settled on a neutral, sage green. Love It. :)
The room is not totally done yet. But I had to post a couple pics bc I am just so happy with how its looking so far. And give mad props to my hubby! We are still on a hunt for a couch and it needs a few touches (including a cool photo project Im working on- stay tuned for that!)
Definitely feeling really crafty lately. I Love nesting. We have got so much done lately around here. Since our last post about Valentines, I have worked on a small craft table for Ayla.
See photos I wish I had a before pic. I found this table in a antique shop for $5. Dirty, dusty, full of potential. After some TLC- it has become Ayla's fave spot for snacks, coloring, etc.

Things we are looking forward to this week... making more Valentines with our friends, Mer & Brittney, finishing the awesome photo project for the playroom, going to playgroup finally after being quarentined for 3 weeks!, and traveling to Eville for some shopping & lunch with friends...
PS. YAY for this weather. My seasonal affective disorder is melting :)