I don't know if you knew this, but Santa makes special requests. He came to our house early just because. :) We don't push the "Santa" thing a whole lot. We definitely want that special time to be apart of our Christmas traditions. But, Ayla is on her way to understanding the real reason we celebrate. And I hope Leah will be just as excited when she hears about Jesus' birth, plays with our nativity set, and sings "Happy Birthday" to Jesus.
Like I said, Santa came to our house on Sunday. We got up and had our first Christmas as a family of 4. It was very special. The girls got a few gifts and we all enjoyed it to the fullest. Things have been kind of hectic and I have allowed it to stress me out way more than I should. It was nice to have a morning to ourselves as a family. Later in the morning we went to my parent's home for brunch and gifts. The girls were spoiled with lots of hugs, kisses, horsey rides, great food, and of course some fun toys.
Things I want to remember about this Christmas was how talk-a-tive Ayla was about the season. She would ask if "Is Jesus Birday yet?" and if someone asked her what Santa was bringing her she'd say presents and how up both hands with joy. Once we opened gifts she hoarded all her belongings, plus mine and Leah's too. The girls were given a wagon from Santa and this has been a fave place since then. She opened a box of leotards for dance and gymnastics and said "OOOh". She put one on with a new tutu and jumped up and down and sang songs all morning.
As Leah's first Christmas she didn't understand unwrapping, but loved to eat the wrapping paper instead. Her nickname is Vaccum Owens right now bc she is moving around and finding the smallest of articles to put in her mouth. Let's just say Im busy. She smiled and laughed all morning while watching the excitement and we read books and listened to music. What a happy baby she is! She loves riding in the wagon, too. And all the attention from family is more than a cherry on top. It flurried on her first Christmas, but not enough snow to do anything with. Hopefully, soon we'll be making snow baby angels and snow balls.
Hope this season finds you happy, healthy and close to the ones you love.
Here are some highlights from our day....
Parker and the girls posing for a quick pic before presents. You can tell they are pumped!
PS. I totally made the girl's shirts. :)
Hey its Christmas baby...
We have a few more festivities to partake in and then we'll be heading on vacation. OH I am very excited and nervous. Just want this week to slow down and enjoy time with our family. Hope you all can do the same :)
Love all the pics and stories of your family's Christmas. The girls' shirts are AWESOME. Maybe you can help me think of something cutsie like that for my boy! Hope to see you before you leave for vacay. -Beth Yoder (somehow I can't sign out of my other blog identity)
Ayla DOES look so big!!!
glad you guys had a good christmas together :)
Oh my goodness-gracious! I thought the comments section was disabled, I didn't realize it was part of the "invisible font"... boy am I slow! I've been wanting to tell you for-stinking-ever how GORGEOUS the girls look, lol!!! Also, to say how much I LOVED Leah's purple bow and outfit from a few posts ago, that Ayla has by far the MOST stylish hair cuts of any two year old (or up), that I have ever seen and you look freakin' fantastic! Oh, and you're getting some MAD photo skills. Oh, phew... I feel so much better!
It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! The girls look adorable in their tutus. :)
I somehow missed this post from a few days ago. The photos of the girls are so sweet, and the tutus- now those will come in major handy in Ms. Britty's dance class. Looks like you had a great Christmas!
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