Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank You

The busyness of the holidays surrounds us. My to-do list is brimming with extras from parties, crafts, cleaning, and decorating. I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few short days away. I love seeing all the posts about what people are thankful for.

We should be thankful for ALL things, but how often do we really acknowlege it. That we publicly say "Thank You" for anything. I am thankful for those words. To hear my children genuwinely say 'thank you' after receiving something melts me. Its simple, but those words can really change a person's day. So say 'Thanks' to someone, make their day. And most imporantly remember to take time to Thank our Lord, Giver of all life, today!

Thanks for reading.... :)


Chelsa said...

thank YOU for having a beautiful heart :)

Brookeanne said...

SO true! Thank you for sharing ;)! Lovin' on the new pictures! Were those by Brittany?

Jessie said...

Thanks for being a great friend :)

Beth said...

yes, i am so thankful for your willingness to share on your blog! even on days when i don't get to talk to another adult (aside from pete, that is) i can read your blog and feel like i did. happy holidays!