We are "preparing" for all sorts of things.
I have been preparing our home for fall... including some deep cleaning, clearing out closets, many goodwill trips, and dreaming of fall decor and fall scents! I had a little shopping trip for some fall goodies and hope to find some great finds at the consignment sales coming up!
I have been preparing our home for fall... including some deep cleaning, clearing out closets, many goodwill trips, and dreaming of fall decor and fall scents! I had a little shopping trip for some fall goodies and hope to find some great finds at the consignment sales coming up!
Ayla is preparing for her first year of preschool... we've upped our bedtime and added one preschool activity and/or craft a day. Leah is totally diggin this too!
I am preparing the girls for a new sibling in the house by lots of talk of how/what baby eats, where baby will sleep, and lots of fun baby facts. Both girls seem very receptive and excited! Even though Leah cracks up if you tell her baby will sleep in her crib! Ah.. hopefully that will change once she gets her big girl bed :)
Ayla took this belly shot almost 2 weeks ago. ha I def have a "bump"!
I love the idea of Montessori schools/play! I love letting the girls be hands on and playing with "real" stuff instead of pretend. Like I cut the cord off an old curling iron for them to play with, they have real kitchen utensils that are their size, we have an indoor sandbox in the basement, etc. Looks like you are keeping busy!
Love the bump! I work with a woman that all 3 of her kids go to a Montessori school in New Albany, at first I had no idea there was even such a thing. Now hearing her talk about it, I WISH there was one close to here! I can't wait for fall either!
sounds like you are going to be prepared on all fronts :)
too cute that leah laughs about the baby sleeping in her crib- i'm sure she won't mind once she gets her new bed!
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