Thursday, December 31, 2009
Just So You Know...
But until then.... Happy 2010!!!!!
New Year's Resolutions
This year I will resolve to clipping the pacifer. Sorry Ayla. Sweet girl still loves her paci (at bedtime only). But, its time. Or beyond time? Tomato. Tomatoe.
I resolve to feed myself and my family healthier meals always. We tend to eat pretty well, but I know we can do better. More whole foods. More raw fruits and vegis.
I resolve to count my blessings. More often and everywhere. And I encourage anyone to do the same. We are such a blessed nation. To help hold me accountable I plan on posting once a week for 24 weeks. I will follow the alphabet to
So once a week I will update you on the paci, meals, and everything. Each week expect a Thankful Thursday A-Z. January 7th will be my first post.... in case you didn't guess I'll be starting with the letter A.
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Shoes
Anyways, thanks Gma Spot for our new kicks.
We love them and We love you :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Our home at Christmas time...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Time is here again
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Leah Hope: 8 months
Recently, trying to sit after crawling.
We are getting geared up for her first Christmas celebrations and her first Big vacation. Mommy is kinda more excited about the vacation. We're going to see Mickey soon. :) Ayla is quite pumped as she asks me daily if it is Jesus' birthday or if we are going to Mickey's "clubhouse" today. Very cute!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Im so lucky!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Party in the USA
I take a pic of us in front of this tree every year. Last year I had a bun in the oven. Wish I could find that pic to compare! I just love how huge the trees are. I wish I had ceilings that tall... or taller at least :)
Hope everyone is gearing up for parties and more. Tis the season they say....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas Season in full swing!
I said it.
I know Im not the only one out there who feels this way. This year has come and gone so quickly. When I sit and think about it... its kinda frightning! I have been pregnant, had a baby, that baby is now 7 1/2 months old and crawling, had a 2nd bday party, potty trained a toddler, gone on one close-to-home vacation, 2 ER visits, started working again (just a little), another dance season started, and now its December and Im supposed to be ready for all that comes....
I do so much love this holiday. But I wish I could slow down to celebrate the real reason for the season. I want to sit down and talk to my girls about Jesus' birth. How lucky were are that we have a home and a place to stay warm. While Jesus was born in a stable. Tell them how we give gifts to people to show them the love that came with the birth of Christ.
I will find that time. But for now Im just gonna try to take a big deep breath and cherish the moments I can.
Yesterday we started a new small group. I am so excited to be back into a group of fun, young Christians. Our small group had been such a big part of my growth as a young adult. I will miss them, but this new clan will surely be just as important at this time in our lives.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Some may say my methods of bribery are unorthodox...
Well, some pictures are worth sacrifices.
To tell you the truth no cookies were
I hope everyone is enjoying the preparation for the Christmas holiday. I love Christmas time and I love seeing my girls excitement.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
On the Move...
Not only is she moving on the ground, but in the crib. ha I had to take out her sleep positioner and probably the bumpers are soon to go. Rolling around in bed is not only the new new in Leah's crib.
We have started sleep training again. This time Sleep 2.0 is going much better! She puts herself down well after cuddling and rocking. Some night waking last night, but not too much. Next step- weaning off feeding. She went from nursing 2x a night to once at night. :) Soon my dears.... I shall sleep. I hope. Well, at least that is the plan.
Update: Since I drafted this last weekend Leah is an inchworm. Cutest inchworm ever. :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
The Showdown. Parker and Ayla on their trikes at Mimi & Papaws house. He looks like he is gonna ram her! Notice the sippy in her little basket. Just in case she gets parched.
Ayla and I put her very own tree on Saturday. She thought it was so cool. We had a talk about not disrupting the tree. And why we celebrate Christmas. I think she understands on her level. She keeps asking if its Jesus' birthday yet. So we're getting closer.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Big Show
My goofy group won first place. Out of one. ha Wish there were others in our category. But, that's just how it goes. However, our score got us a bid to 2 National competitions which we're wading through to decide what is best for us! Cool, right?
I love these girls. Not a whole lot more to say.
Honk if you can't wait for dance season.... HONK