Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!

...he is a fantastic father & papaw to my girls. Ayla is somewhat unphased by him. haha Its kinda funny. She will talk all day about her papaw and going to see him at work, etc. But then when we visit him she suddenly becomes very shy? It kills him! Thankfully, Leah digs her papaws funny faces and snuggles.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Thankful Thursday (x2)
Genesis 2: 24
These are a couple more pictures we took at the wedding. In light of the sad, sad tragedies and young lives lost recently I can't help but be mindful of my family. I say it every day... we are SO blessed. My girls are happy and healthy. My husband and I are thriving and best friends. We are able to support our household on one income. Sometimes I struggle with a lot of worries. Definitely something I have to pray about constantly. I know God does not want me to live in a state of anxiety. I just wonder why some have this hurt on a more personal level. I know there IS an ultimate plan and I am a part of that. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost or are struggling this summer. I pray that you will find comfort and patience in your time of loss.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I have...
Monday, July 27, 2009
I love my family!

We had an amazing time this weekend. However, it was equally exhausting as amazing. My family is always good for some drama and lots of laughs. And it was short of neither. I love my family!
I took a huge amount of pictures. Some, of which, I am Very proud. My girls were very good and my husband was the hottest there. Really. :) I sent flower girls and bell boys down the aisle, put rollers in Ayla's hair, danced with my family, ate too much and wanted, I took pictures, served cake, I pooped out early- so tired, and I still want more cake.
Glad the start of the week is here. It will be a busy one for sure. I am working, have dance practice, finishing up Ay's special project, playgroup, and Im sure more... summer is coming to an end. Im not sure how I feel about that?
Mommy & Leah
My wonderful parents
Ayla cuttin a rug... she does a mean chicken wing move ha!
Past bedtime
Prayers for Stellan
Friday, July 24, 2009
Funny Friday
So Wednesday we hosted playgroup in the pouring rain. The house was buzzing with 10 children and 7 moms. Lots of toy vaccums and strollers running around moms chatting in the living room. I heard a few voices from the master.....
Partners in crime....
Meredith and Ayla
standing at my jacuzzi tub
water running.
Me: "What's going on?" "We don't turn on the water girls."
Mere: "Baby Baa" "Baby Baa"
I turn to find a babydoll wading in the small pool of water....
Me: "Yep, baby is getting a bath."
Of course, just so you know, I did teach them that only Mommy's give babies baths. And they were to Never run the water again.
Shortly after I found them back in there.... this time only staring at their friend bathing!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
What have we been up to?
Leah checking out the fun
Much of the week has been spent preparing for my cousin Jason's wedding. I love weddings and this one is sure to a Great one! Casey (his fiance) has the best taste and I am sure no detail will be left untouched. All the Owens' have new duds and we will, no doubt, be the best looking family there. haha I won't take it back :) I even bought some rollers for Ayla's hair! I am so excited. Just a few things left to do before the big day. I am putting together an emergency kit for the bride. Jeff's shirt needs ironed like 50 times!
I detest ironing. Spending time with my Aunt Kerri and lil cousins. Plus whatever the bride can throw my way.
I am no where near done, but that is a little sneak peak. I said magical, and that's a little much. But, I think its definitely going to be awesome. I need to stop talking it up just in case it fails! Gulp. I should be done soon. Touching up and finishing touches.
We shall see....
Speaking of seeing... check these babies out!
My Grandma came over and brought the girls these sweet little dresses she made. Not the best picture, but they are perfectly simple and sweet. She totally made my day! Ayla immediately wanted to put it on. We tried it on over her clothes- so no fashion show today. But, I am hoping to put both the girls in them soon. I think it will work for fall with layers too! Oh man. Plus, I have plans to get them embroidered. Sigh. I love having girls.
Hope you guys are finding interesting ways to spend your days.
Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Feeling our age
Friday, July 17, 2009
Funny Friday
Me: "Ayla Joy, its naptime. Please go to sleep." *kiss
Shortly after I left the room, crying insued....
Me: "Ayla Joy, its naptime. Why aren't you sleeping? (sharper tone)"
Ayla: "I pay to Gob" "I pay to Goooobbbb"
Me: "Ok, let's pray, then you go to sleep, right?"
Ayla: "Ok, Mommy"
We prayed and I left the room. Ayla continued to not nap, but it was ok.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thankful Thursday

And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds.
Yard Sale Saturday
8-?? on Troy Rd. Address is posted here.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Leah got her first round of shots today. I tend to delay most of my girl's immunization- at least off of the normal schedule. I like to wait til they are healthy and ready. She shrieked the sadest cry ever. Oh man.... I am so not good at this!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Top Knots

Monday, July 13, 2009
My Extracurriclur Activity....

Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Trauma Drama
Happy girls.
The sun was shining.
We visited Mimi and Mamaw.
Got our bangs trimmed, pee-peed on the potty for suckers.
All was well in our world.
We had lunch with friends.
Held tiny baby Patrick.
Snapped a couple pictures.
Drank Orange Soda.
Long naps.
Up from naps...
Small crusties found on little ear.
Shear panic sets in.
Several phone calls made.
One tiny, daizy earing found (PTL).
Super fast trip across town, speeding through lights.
Mommy hyperventalating.
Multiple attempts to make tiny daizy go back.
Lovingly gave cheetos to child to console.
Another frantic drive back across town.
Baby wants to breastfeed, screaming.
Met Daddy on golf course.
Tiny daizy
Popsicle to celebrate.
All is well, again, in our world.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
My little girl is growing up...
She reminds me to put her sunscreen on...
She's getting braver in the pool. AND wears the cutest bikini...
Last year she wouldn't ride these and buried her head in my shoulder...
Today we went to the mall with Mimi and sissy. We rode the carosel...
Today also marked another milestone... but we'll blog about that later....