The windblown look is in.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hello, Mister...
Jeff went over to check it out....
Can you see him?
Look a little closer...
Im sure you've guessed it.
Just in case you didn't, here's a better look.
Hello, Mister Toad.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sweet Success

It retails for around $80. I found it in pink and purple. I easily turns to trike or big wheel. Ayla loves it and is begging me for a helmet. Ugh. I passed up the cutest helmet at this sale. Oh well.
Another sweet success is the girl's bathroom. It is almost done and Im really happy with how its turning out! I'll share a pic when its totally complete. Just a few more things to finish up.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Park with Friends
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Real Love Story
I truely LOVE my kids, adore and respect my husband, and feel incredibly blessed with where God has placed me in this time of my life. Beyond blessed, even. But, truthfully, I am almost always tired, lose my patience frequently, rarely get a daily shower, potty with someone at my feet every.single.time., bake bc I've given up at being skinny, and laugh at inappropriate things. Life is real and at times real crazy.
Here's some a reminder that most of us feel the same way. Happy Weekend....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Leah Hope:16 months
Leah Hope at 16 months....
is very talkative. Saying lots of new words. Sometimes says "no" when meaning yes. Stringing 2-3 words sentences together.
is very silly. Loud, dances, laughs, lives large, runs fast, sings songs.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dirty Days of Summer
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Best Thing I've Ever Ate
It wasn't good.
It was the best thing I have ever ate. period.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Random Updates
Unfortunately, we haven't gotten to go out much. Id really like to sit in the sun a few more times before fall hits. But, I have a feeling its going to be scorching for a while then BAM hit us with cool weather. Thank you, Midwest living. Fall is by far my favorite season. Cozy weather, sweaters, fires & smores, leaves changing colors, and people spending more time together instead of running around. Good stuff. I'll put my fall feelings aside for awhile and enjoy the rest of summer. Its awful hard to even plan for fall clothes for your kids when its 120 degrees outside!
We've been finishing up some projects slowly but surely. We got our hands on a wet saw and the girl's bathroom floor should be tiled by this evening and grouted by the weekend. I can't wait to see it all come together. I got an awesome deal on a mini chandelier online. Ayla calls it her princess light. It will look so sweet. Once we pull this all together I think we'll take a break from projects for a bit. We wouldn't want to get ahead of ourselves or anything :)
Early this week Ayla had a 'mystery fever'. She woke up pretty droopy, 104 temp. (she tends to spike high) When it was just the two of us, Id let her ride it out a bit. Now that Leah is here I envision 2 wks caught in the house and it scares me. So we saw the NP and didn't really get any clear answers. What do you do?
We've been doing alot inside lately. The girls love crafts. So, lots of playdough, painting and coloring has taken place. I stayed up late the other day making a memory game for Ayla to learn her letters. She is kinda hard to focus on her learning activities and I've figured out how/when to do a few things with her. If I make it a silly game she just wants to guess and be done. But, she is liking working with her workbook for short periods of time. And so far has really enjoyed doing this puzzle with me. I think she likes the one-on-one time with Mommy. We say the letter, the sound, and a word associated with it. Hopefully, we'll get some results soon. It can't hurt right?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Slowest Project Completors Ever
We have lived in this home for 2 years now. Never had house numbers on. People get confused ya know fed-ex and pizza delivery is important. We did purchase said letters about a month ago. One foot in front of the other, I suppose. I asked Jeff to put them on today. I'll let you know how that goes :)
Numbers on front of house... check!
Plus added some chairs we had already. Wouldn't be my pick, but its something. Hopefully it will cool down soon so we can actually use them. We need something for that large expanse of white brick and pull up the gross brown outdoor carpet. Why would someone carpet their porch? My mom says we'll have to put more carpet down- ew. Any other suggestions?
Ayla's bedroom transition. We decided to move Ay to her full size bed around her birthday in May. So since May (or April) its been "under construction". Don't get my wrong lots has been done, but lots have been left unfinished. I repainted while two girls played under my feet. Jeff hung the molding after work in evenings. But there is touch ups to be done and molding needs caulked. She has 6 outlets in her room which were grody beige- only 3 have been switched to white. Then the girls tub had a leak and so we pulled up the floor in the bath and so goes the next project... Now the bath is painted and ready for new floor, but who has the time for that? Leak is fixed and accessories are bought. Last night I put this awesome collage together on her wall. Plan to 'start' the floor this weekend... hehe
Rockin' collage.... check.
Plus, tile is 60% down. Hit a snag with our saw. Hope that gets done tonight?!
I designed our master bath with walk-in showers years ago. After being here for 2 years, I just got used to it being a dirty hole in the bathroom. ha People would come by and I'd be like.. and that's supposed to be our shower. ha We recently contracted it out bc apparently there is a deadline you have to set for yourselves. See we were going to tile it ourselves--2 YRS AGO ha Its finally in its last stages. Jeff is putting on the fixtures as I type.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Silly Sisters
(Ayla working in a preschool workbook- can't believe we are talking preschool )
Both girls are super lovey. Leah is starting to carry a dolly around. Its really cute to see her get into that nuturing role. Because those who are close to Leah know she doesn't stop long "nuture". She's kinda a bully right now.
Here she is with her baby... sharing milk, loving, and the last one she was saying "kick, kick" apparently the baby was kicking her?
Ayla has always been a little Mommy. She likes to help and repeat my Mommy-isms. Lately she'll grab Jeff's face or mine, look into our eyes, and spew sweetness forth. My faves lately are "Mommy, Im so proud of you", "You're such a big girl", and "I love you up to the sky".
Some not so cute things she's picked up from me lately... Well, yesterday we were having a standoff on the couch. I wanted her to do something and she clearly didn't want to comply. She looked at me with the stink-eye and said "do you hear my words" ha. I asked her right back if she heard MY words and asked if she wanted to apologize. I won that one. But, she's good. I may have to watch her in the future.