Friday, April 24, 2009

Mommy Meltdown

Please tell me I am not the only one who has these...

Well, it had been awhile since my last, and I guess I was due?

Today (in theory) was planned full and fun, just like I like it. Being an experienced mommy of 1 I completely thought I could handle it. HA We had Bean's Photography scheduled to come over and do a shoot of both girls- Ayla's 2nd bday pics plus some of Leah's newborn pics. Sheesh. I am so glad I am friends with Brittany because anyone else would have ran for the hills. Ayla did as well as any toddler would do, I guess. Then as the morning progressed she started having fits. Stupid, fits. I am usually very good at redirecting her. I found myself standing there holding a newborn, swaddled from the wind- trying to get Ayla to chill out, and helping Brittany get Ayla to follow commands. Ek.

I began to melt down... we were due to meet Jeff's co-workers for lunch so they could see Leah. Well, after a few more "fits" mommy's meltdown was in phase 2. Not good. I cried, called Jeff, took a deep breath. Not more than 5 mins later Im pretty sure I cried again. Oh man.

Honestly, I felt like the morning was a waste. But, Brittany is SO good she was able to pull off amazing photos to make me feel alot better. Next half of the shoot Jeff will be there so I know things will go much better. Especially when you can have one-one defense :) The more I hear about my silly meltdown, the more Silly it sounds!

I can't wait for you all to see our sneak peek on Bean's Photos. I will try to let you know. But you should just go ahead and add their link from my 'my faves' sidebar to the right. They always seem to capture the right moments (and put up with my hormones!).

PS- Today was Leah's official due date. So very glad we've had these extra 9 days with her. She brings such a joy to our family! Hopefully, I'll get the hang of 2 babies before she realizes how crazy her mommy is....


Jen said...

Oh Courtney! It takes a little while to find your "flow" when number two comes along. You have one more to think about, to care for, ect. I think it's pretty normal. A story: When Jackson was born, I came home from the hospital and started cleaning my house and feeling normal, so my in-laws left (we lived in Jacksonville). That first night ALONE, Jackson woke up at 2 or 3 in the morning to nurse and filled his diaper up. I started to change him (a little background--we lived in a crappy two bedroom apartment with the washer and dryer connections inside a walk-in closet in the master bedroom. Jackson was sleeping in a bassinet beside my bed, so I made a little changing area for him on top of the dryer...) He had poop all over his newly circumsized weiner and was in pain. He was crying and screaming so loud and I was trying to be gentle and then he started peeing everywhere...remember this was in our closet so the spray hit all of our clothes. Triston wakes up from the other room (He was only 18 months old) and starts crying, Travis is trying to comfort Triston, but Jackson is screaming so loudly that we can't even hear ourselves think. I start crying, Travis punches a wall, and our downstairs neighbors start using a broom to beat on the floor to let us know we are causing to much noise. Everyone eventually settled down and Travis got up the next day to go take a first semester law school mid-term! But, we survived and die laughing when we think of that story now. You'll get though it...and if it starts to feel bad or hectic, feel free to think of my story. It surely can't be as bad as that! Oh, and throw any "expectations" out the window. It will save you some disappointment!

Brittany said...

It was a hardly a mommy melt down, more like a little stress relief. There's no better way to relieve stress than by shedding a few tears :) I will be posting a few pictures on my blog here later this morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh hun, you will recover.. but yes it gets better, but I still have mommy melet downs probably once a week! Being a momma and being outnumbered is a hard job! I hope we are intitled to a meltdown every so often...

Brookeanne said...

I remember a few moments like that after Kevin was born! I'm glad you decided to share... it's so easy to forget about some of the struggles and it's nice to read about someone else going through "new mommyhood"! I think the hardest thing with a newborn and an "older child" (I use quotation marks because you, me and Jen all had 18-20 month old toddlers when our second child arrived, which looking back now I see as having an older baby, no matter how sweet and helpful they are), is when you break from routine or have visitors. That would throw us for a loop almost everytime for a couple of months. Hang in there! You are AMAZING!

Tara said...

Meltdowns (or tune-ups, as I call them) actually keep us running half-way normal the rest of the time! You are a great mom.

Shannon said...

No advice from me:) but I will second Tara... you are a great mom.

Brookeanne said...

Not to say one shouldn't break from routine... it's just a pain when it happens :)!

Tera said...

Courtney, you are a lot like plan things out and imagine or expect how they will go. Then when things do not happen like that, we start to melt a bit. I'm with Jennifer on this one...throw out the expectations...or better yet, expect the worst! :) Then it's easier to see the good points amongst the little drama! ;) The good news, you all survived and have some beautiful pictures to remember these early days with precious Leah!