Sunday, May 31, 2009
Vacation Dreamin'.... Sandbox Livin'
Friday, May 29, 2009
Show us Where you Live Friday: Children's Room/Nursery Edition
So this is a little late, but who's counting? I took the pics in a hurry this morning, so please excuse the poor lighting and possibly out of focus photos and then refer to the list above for reasons why I didn't take more time to photograph my home :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hello There
Sunday, May 24, 2009
So far so good...
we took Ayla swimming thanks to our awesome neighbors! she is really a fish this year!
Mommy got the gumpshun to pump, so Leah took her first bottle! She did amazingly well. Piggy ate it Way too quick so most of it came back up, but great first effort. I have a couple shifts coming up soon plus dance picks back up in the summer...
We are always trying to get pics of the Owens grandkids when Ridge is home. But its hard with nursing times, nap times, time out times... ha I got a couple cute ones in the few minutes I snapped, you can see no one looks thrilled I am making them do this. Britt you have your work cut out for you. But it works.... Fischer 8, holding Ridge 10 mo, Ayla 2, Wyatt 4, holding Leah 5.5 weeks.
Looking forward to another day of time with my husband, my girls, and the rest of our family :)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Leah's First Friend
Congrats Jon & Bri! She is perfect!
We love you....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summertime Fun
the beast
(if you look close you can see L's toes)
me & my little
A rewind to some fun summer-ness you may have missed:
in chronological order of course
This is what we wanted to call the last photo before Leah- we walked 3 mi while 5 cm dilated, pushing a stroller.... she was stubborn and WORTH the wait. Don't you dare tell Jeff, but it kinda makes me miss being pregnant!
Leah was able to be in baby dedication at church when she was only about a week old. We were so thankful that Jeff's brother &
our SIL were home from Cincy. That chubby lil one is Ridge, isn't he perfect!?
This is from Ay's bday lunch w/ Daddy... I would like to add how HOT my hubby is to the things I love about him. :)
We were able to go roller skate at gma's gym. Ayla had to join in so we put her in the smallest pair which were HUGE! But she was pretty good. Someone tell me how to upload a video?!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Fight the Urge
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Bash 27.6 lbs almost 34 in tall not very interested in potty training, only on 'her' time
...very girly- loves bows, shoes, princesses
Ayla is a very special girl. So special all THIS was for her...
the pinata
(By the way... Ayla's fabulous bow was made by our friend Tera- It is amazing! You all should be placing your orders now... :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Leah Hope 1 Month
Tummy Time, Birthdays, Weight loss
Speaking of this big sister... I mentioned her birthday last week. I still can't believe we've got a 2 year old! Where does time go? We have been planning her big bash for a while now... a few glitches with a lot of family out of town, so it will be a little more low key than expected. But, still the coolest party on the block. How many 2 year olds do you know have their home overhauled for their party!? ha That's right, construction is slowly coming to an end. I type to the sweet sounds of "beeping" and digging of the concrete being poured for our new patio and driveway! (pictures later)
That birthday girl also got her crib turned into her "big girl bed". She has been sleeping great in it without skipping a beat! She hasn't tried to get out of it at all during sleep times. I don't have a picture of it all made up with her quilt but maybe Ill add that with the construction pics later.
I, too, had a birthday... yesterday. My husband took off work half day to take me and the girls to Evansville. We didnt do much, some low key shopping, car browsing, dinner, then home to see family. It was an amazing trip. Loved using my new double stroller and both girls were good!
On to the present... today was my final baby apt with Dr. F It went really well. I officially will be taking birth control again HA Funny, yet so true. I also had to step onto the dreaded scale again. I lost 22 lbs! Very cool knowing I had only gained 18 with Leah. Wahoo... ok, party is over for 2 reasons. One, because I have a long way to go and goal weights set. Realistically, bc I have a toddler and I like mac n cheese... and cookies..... and scoops and veggies too. Wow. I hope this ends well. The second reason party is over- my body is SO different. Woah. Regardless of losing weight nothing looks "quite right". I told someone the other day that its like things are in the wrong spot? Jen how do you look so good after 3? So, now I am free to exercise and I will do just that. Sorry no before pics at the moment... Im a little embarrassed. ha
Im Back!
So much has happened I fear it will be lost. When I started blogging last summer I planned to use this as my mommy journal, something to be able to look back at to remember all the silly milestones that get lost in the shuffle and aren't in baby books.
Hopefully, I can try to catch up, but I promise I will be back with full force! Honestly, I miss reading what is going on in your lives. Hope everyone is doing well!
Friday, May 8, 2009
WOW- eee: part 3 Ayla
We made a pretty big even of Ayla's birthday. I took a cue from my friend Mandi and we blew up some balloons for the morning when she woke. Man, this was a hit! She seemed so surprised and excited. I don't think she even realized there was a gift too! I honestly could make a post solely on the "balloon effect" its like a high for toddlers! Maybe I will work on that. I have plenty of pictures of her rolling around in them, kicking, laughing, and playing with them to prove it.
I only had a few minutes to post.... I now realize I added the photo with the Ayla in front of the bday girl.... Sorry, but its bedtime and no time to change it. Just laugh at me... silently please.
Ok that's enough...