Friday, November 20, 2009


Anticipation is blinding. If I could sleep I would. But, its not really the anticipation keeping me from hitting the hay. Its my children. Sigh.

Tomorrow is my first dance competition of the year. Jamfest is a huge cheer & dance organization that gives great stage experience to dancers! We love it. Its kinda like our big welcome into the new season. I am so ready for tomorrow to get here. Ready to see the girls all in costume, holding my breath that everything goes off without a hitch- or at least not a big hitch?, and praying my kids aren't getting sick.

See last year Ayla was unable to attend any of our show due to being sick. Every time. ha. Tonight she's been complaining of her head hurting and her ear and her cheek ha She didn't nap today so Im trying to shrug it off as much. However 2 hrs now of trying to coax her to sleep and she isn't having it. She'll sleep for a short amt of time and wake. I think she may be out now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Leah is just getting over some allergy mayheim. Jeff is currently asleep "rocking" her. Ha. How will my children ever learn to sleep on their own? Oh well. Life is what it is. And we do love it.

You just gotta laugh.

But, good ole' anticipation is here. Pressure is on. Me and anticipation have a love hate relationship. See, if I didn't like it I couldn't coach a competition squad. However, my stomach ties up in knots. I do most, if not, all of our choreography & technique. So, ultimately if they don't look great its 50% my fault. I have some of the cutest girls this year. Very funny personalities! Can't wait to show you pics :) See, I made a school theme including handmade school uniforms, nerd hats, glasses, suspenders, the works.... Its fantastic.

Anyways, wish us luck.


Chelsa said...

i hope the girls aren't getting sick! good luck at your competition!! can't wait to see pics!

Jen said...

Good Luck with your girls!

Brittany said...

I am excited see to how it went. Hope you got your camera working!