Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thankful Thursday: Look what I can do!
Though she may not like them now... we'll keep trying.
Tomorrow... green beans?
Since I created this post we have successfully had green beans and tried applesauce today. Green beans were eaten but I can tell they won't be her fave. Apples, though.... she loved.
PS>>>>>> Who out there makes/made their own baby food?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Flippin' Sweet Weekend
Check this girl out? She's a flipping fool. Ayla has been doing somersalts since 18months old. She stopped doing them several months ago and pretended to not know even what the word meant. Saturday she proved me right that she not only knew what it was but had mad skills at it!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
How about that?
Leah got her first tooth today.
I swear that is been a long time coming!
Look at that pride in her eyes?
She just grabbed my finger and stuck in her mouth. Like "check this out Ma".
Today, Sept 26th Leah's first tooth. 5 1/2 months.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Soup-er Friday
Hot Cheese Dip
1/2-1 box velveeta
1 can rotel
1/2 lb sausage
Place all ingredients in slow cooker.
Last weekend I made this for a party. I added a splash of milk for consistancy. If you don't like spicy, then I would add a half can of Rotel at a time. Serve with tortilla chips, veggis, whatever.
French Bread Pizza
1 loaf of french bread
1 lb sausage
1 jar pizza sauce
2-3 c moz cheese
Cut open loaf and top with sauce, toppings and cheese. This is how we top ours, simple. Add Italian seasonings to top and Bake 375 til hot and bubbly. If serving for a family cut up and serve with salad for a yummy dinner. Or can be cut as appetizers.
Pizza Roll Up
1 loaf frozen bread dough
1 jar pizza sauce
Pepperonis, veggies
Thaw frozen bread dough in fridge over night. Let sit out for 1/2 hr or so on countertop, then spread out large. Sprinkle with Italian seasonings, and layer Pep and toppings (don't put a whole lot- simpler the better) and cheese. Roll up and Bake 350 for 30 min. Watch it. Cut up and serve with pizza sauce to dip!!
YUM. Im hungry. Good thing my hubby is coming home to take me to Evansville. I'll just pretend its a date and not with my kids :) haha
Remember you must click Mr. Linky to link up OR to see the others who posted up. If you're just browsing click the link and look at the top to see the names. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Leah is growing like weed. And hitting her milestones with ease.
And guess who is....
sitting up...
all by....
Isn't life grand?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Oh Happy Day
Sunday, September 20, 2009
If you were in my shoes
I pray I will show my children how to sacrifice for others. I pray to look for everyday opportunities to do so...
Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for us. What kind of sacrifices will you make in His name?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ayla is 100%- though fighting naps like a champ. She is no match for me though. If it was up to me my children would be napping up until kindergarten. :) Leah is getting better. Much more pleasent through the day & napping better. But, nights are still a bit blurry to me. Jeff and I keep passing it back and forth I guess because both of our heads are still swimming. Not that total lack of sleep would have anything to do with that?
But, like I said we're slowly slipping back into our norm. The house is smelling more fresh. Well, I can only smell with one nostril- but I think its an improvement. Our plans for this weekend were to jump back into our painting (the brick on the exterior of our home).
BUT instead we will be entertaining guests. One of my best friends from college and her family are coming in for the car fest. So we'll have 3 kids and 4 adults running wild in our home. That's the majority of the cleaning is all about. We're excited. We haven't had anyone stay with us at this house yet. It will be fun! Hopefully the weather will cooperate for fire, grillin', chattin' and smores. Sunday is my lil nephew Wyatt's 5th birthday party. I should probably pick up his gift, huh? I'll get on that....
Anyways, we've got plans. Hopefully, next week I will be back to our normal programming. Thankful Thursday & Soup-er Friday will be back in full effect! My friend Jen already told me she plans on posting up some awesome recipes so Im ready to see what's cookin! Next Friday Im planning on posting some fave fall snacks. I'll put MrLinky up again so everyone can join in- share your fave fall foods or soups. Until then Have a great weekend!
P.S. My Leah is sitting for short periods on her own!!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A sense of humor...
But, hopefully we'll be seeing the horizon soon. I am at my wits. I barely made it to playgroup today. Leah is sick with a double ear infection, which we're trying to ride out. She is showing signs of feeling much better. I am also battling serious sinus infection. So my head feels like its going to explode. I coughed for an hour straight last night while trying to fall asleep while Jeff didn't even flinch next to me.
But, there is a positive side....
Leah pooped today. A big POOP. And I couldn't smell it!
If my ears popped, I would have had to hear how loud Ayla was whining today!
But, really Id like to sleep again. And Id like my content baby back. Though I could do without smelling stinky diapers. Right now Im so tired I would sleep with a stinky diaper! (Ew) Thank you for all your suggestions. Its fair to say that most of you are stronger than I- and use the CIO method. Not to say we hadn't tried it with Ayla. She would turn blue, really. Once Leah is all over her illness, we may try to let her put herself down. But, we'll see.
Im just trying to keep a sense of humor about it all. Things will get better. I know.
They have to, right?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Leah: Life at 5 months

just moved to her own room.
Such a blessing to our family! Ayla continues to crack us up and show us what an amazing big sister she is. Both girls are becoming more independent. Ayla has been saying "I do it myself" alot. Weird for Mommy. Leah plays well on her own, but prefers to watch her big sister do her thang. I can't wait to see what the next 5 months will bring!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
With Leah hitting the 5 month mark this week I knew it was time to move her to her own room. Friday marked this transition. Up until now she has been sleeping in her bassinet in our room. I knew it was her time to move to her own room, but I wasn't sure if it was my time for her to move. Im still not sure if its time for me to prance across the house to nurse a baby every 4-5 hours in the middle of the night.....
I was trying to think how we weaned Ayla off of night feedings. She moved to her own room right before the 4 month mark and was only on 1 feeding a night. Id be Loving that right now! I remember getting up with her often to stick her paci back in her mouth. Thus, her love for the thing now. Ha. See neither of our children have been great sleepers. Ayla didn't sleep through the night consistantly until she was close to one. And has gone through many cycles of night waking to sleeping? Im determined to help Leah sleep better. Id love to do sleep training, but won't do CIO method. Its just not for me as a parent. I know I have Many friends who do/done this. I know it has worked for some. It just works on my anxiety, not to mention heartstrings!
I know most of you have been in this situation. What did you do? What should I do? I, of course, can live getting up through the night. BUT I don't think I have to. Be honest.... hit me with it!
Not so soup-er?
Though Im not thrilled with the turnout, I loved sharing my recipe with you. Hopefully, everyone tries it and sees how easy and awesome it is! I will keep McLinky up until Monday so everyone can click it to see the recipes or if you want to add a link late go ahead.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Soup-er Friday
PS. This post is celebrating my 225th blog post! Yahoo.
This is my fave go to dinner. It is good anytime of the year because it is fairly light. But, I do not mean light on your wasteline. It is defintely not calorie free. But, its worth it! As you're making this dish go on taste and how much you need to feed your family. It is easy to make a small amount or a huge batch. I choose to use bakers potatoes bc they are really starchy which thickens your soup. But, I think any potatoe would work.
Cheese Potatoe Soup
Large can Chicken Broth
Potatoes (4 reg or 2 bakers)
1/4-1/2 pack velvetta, in chunks
green onions 2-3 chopped
pepper to taste
Optional: carrots, broccoli, celery, bacon or ham
Bring chicken broth to a boil with green onions. Add potatoes until soft. (If you'd like to add other vegis I would at this point too) Mash some potatoes for thicker soup. Add velvetta a little at a time. Stirring occassionally. Taste as you go to make according to how cheesey you want it. Add pepper to taste. Bowl up and enjoy!
We love to top ours with ham or bacon. I like to add some extra green onions, too! This batch will feed a small family. Can easily make a larger batch by adding water or more broth at beginning and extra potatoes.
I can't wait to see all the recipes you come up with!!! Remember to link to your post, not your blog. To add or view the recipes just click the Mr. Linky link. Enjoy! We may have to keep this up...
TN trippin': Part 2 The In Between
The girls look a little blue in the gills here. We were Freezing getting out of the pool! ha. But, worth it bc this is what took place immediately after arriving in the room and a warm bath.
Oh and my Thankful Thursday portion goes to my best friend. He just celebrated his 30th birthday! Jeff, I love you SO much. I hope you had as good of time as I did on your trip. :) Thanks for being YOU.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
TN trippin': Part 3 The In Between
TN trippin': On the road
The drive there was fairly uneventful. No silly stories of poking and screaming like my friend, Jen. Thankfully our new ride is equipped with a built in babysitter or DVD player, tomatoes-tomatos. I found quickly this came with consequences. No nap. We planned the trip down it hit on nap time. Leah, thank you honey. She followed Mama's plans accordingly. But, Aylas allergy eyes were glued to Green Eggs and Ham.
Three and 1/2 hours wasn't too tough and made it through with only ONE potty/coffee break.
The way home was a whole 'nother story.
We spent the large part of the day at the mall. OOOOOOoooooo (Ok. I could have slept at that mall. Good stuff.) Nursed L in the car and strapped Ay in for the long ride home. Knowing it was past nap time, we were SURE she would poop out. 5 minutes into the drive she was out. PTL. But, that didn't last but an hour. All the sudden, fear sounded in her voice from her sleep.... "I PEEEE Mommy." I calmly told her it was ok we would stop for her asap. "I PPPPPEEEE Mommy, I POO." It was serious. I felt so bad for her. She hadn't had an accident since that first week wearing panties. Sigh. Her legs were curled and crossed and tears were streaming down her cheeks. I really think she was embarrassed~ We stopped and *fixed* the problem and back on the road.
Her cold was progressing to its worst at this time. So everytime her heavy eyes fell her cough woke her. Another hour or so gone of Ay sobbing and sleeping one pee break in the grass ok KY and Leah woke up.... We were near Evansville so we stopped for dinner. I thought Ayla would want to get out and walk around. Oh no. It was torture for all of us to see how bad she felt. It was a long stop and she finally fell asleep for most of the way home, but now Leah was ready to be awake! Oh- the joys of road trips.
Needless to say we are home. Working on being healthy again. And catching up on laundry. I have a boatload of pictures to share of our adventures in between being the road. Including lots of Zoo. :)
PS Soup-er Friday is ON! Get your posts ready and I will add a link to my blog late Thur eve if I remember. Everyone add on to it and we all can peruse our new fall soup menu from one place :) Can't wait... I'm getting my sweatpants out.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Soup-er Friday
Leave a comment and let me know if you are interested. If we get enough interested I will put a link up on my page. That way we can see who posted all in one place. This Friday can be soup recipes. I know for sure I'll be sharing my prized Cheese Potatoe Soup.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Last week, I sat down to check my email, read up on things, whatever. I came across a forward from my grandma. I rarely open fwds. I do mean rarely, but the subject line caught my eye. It said 'The next terrorist attack'. I past it twice, then thought, Im curious.
Or a virus... trojan. malware. whatever! Darn, bugs chewed up my content. My precious getaway. My computer. It did not harm my computer in any way. It actually was interesting. It is a virus that poses itself as an anti-virus program. So it would pop up warnings constantly, annoying, and frequently. So, frequently that if you didn't think about what you were doing you may click it and think I definitely need to download this antivirus. But, I was smarter than that! I do not have said virus anymore and made sure Not to email or send anything to you all during the time of infection. All clean now.
Wednesday, Ayla was staying with my SIL while Jeff and I handled some car business. I got a phone call saying she was fever-ish. EEK! I have come to learn that Ay spikes fevers and hangs onto illnesses. Poor babe. She is fine. Upper respiratory junk. She hit the worst of her symptoms on the way home from Nashville Sunday. I think the combonation of being overly tired and sick, hit her hard. I found a homeopathic concoction to help with cough/cold symptoms at Wal-Mart. It has helped out.
PS. Our Nashville trip was awesome. Much more to come on that....