Its better late than never!
Since we were traveling on Father's Day I wasn't able to write how much the men in my life mean to me :)
And sadly, forgot to snap any pics of any of them.
Luckily, they don't care. They love me just the way I am... usually a little late (since having kids at least).
I have always been a daddy's girl. No one, in this world, in my eyes is cooler, better, faster, stronger, or smarter, than MY dad.
He taught me to be strong and stand up for myself, he taught me when to speak and when to not, he loved me even at my worst...
Now he is my girl's papaw. Which gives him a edge. My girls love him so much. He gives them hugs and rides on his lawn mower.
Jeff's dad is such a wonderful guy. He supports all his kids in any endevour. I am not sure what we would do without this help, advice, ideas, and organization. Most of all he Adores our girls. You would have never known he only had boys. Because the day the girls were born he was a natural. He would go to the ends of the earth for us.
I am lucky to have my grandpa around. He is so smart and sweet. Ayla often asks if she can see great- grandma & grandpa. She has always had a special connection with them. I spent most of my growing years with my grandparents. They let me stay the night, go camping, let me watch them cook amazing meals, etc. I feel so blessed that my kids get to know him and spend time with him!

Last but not least, Jeff. The father of my children. Bread-winner of the household. Our handy man.
My soul mate (or Prince as the girls say).
I am so glad God chose Jeff for me. He is more than I ever expected out of a husband. He is my best friend. He puts up with my sassiness and loves on the girls with all his might! He is such a wonderful father, always thinking of the girls first and himself last. I know I don't tell him enough but I appreciate everything he does for us So very much.