Friday, October 30, 2009
The Blowout
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Playgroup Halloween
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Shout out!
A big shout out to Miss Leah. She can sign for "milk". Im not sure which Mommy's choose to teach their children how to sign. But, I KNOW personally it helped grow Ayla's vocabulary early. Plus, she could tell us what she needed before she could even speak! How cool is that....
Who says you can't have it all? We watched our newphews all day on Sunday. So I was magically turned into a Mom of 4. Weird. Those of you who know me, know Id like to have at least four kiddos. Shout out to me... I know I can do it and survive! After church I cooked lunch & cleaned while the kids played. Baked cookies, watched a movie, got the younger two down for a nap.... phew. I wanted a nap, too. hehe Anyways, I know I can do it now!
My bloggy friend Brookeanne gets a BIG shout out for being able to use a sewing machine! Hello, my name is Courtney and am secretly in love with the thought of being able to use a sewing machine. Wow. Glad I got that off my chest. Off to call my grandma about reading the instruction manual on hers! ha
Well Baby
Regardless, it was a good visit. Got alot of questions answered and as always my baby looks good. Right on track....
Those keep her on the 50% percentile.
Thanks to my SIL who let Ay play while we were gone. ;)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Fall Photos

Thankful Thursday: Women are Amazing!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009: Part 2
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pumpkin Patch 2009: Part 1
(I swear she had the time of her life!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Thankful Thursday: Rememberance & Leah is 6 Months
Also, I was reading that today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. I feel so absolutely blessed every day to see my two sweet girls thriving. I don't talk much about this, but I was greatly affected by a friend's loss during my pregnancy with Leah. Like many of you blogging Mommies out there we all grew to know and love Andon. I know one day I will meet him and hold him. Until that day, Chelsa know that I think about you and A often. Baby Corbin is so lucky to have you and his two older bros to look after him. You are SO strong
Isn't it nice to be a kid....
For impromptu photo ops and look good without makeup (I seriously need makeup!)....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Thoughts
Im sad I haven't taken pictures of my girls in a while. And by a while I mean, like a week. Hopefully that will change shortly.
My house has stayed consistantly, somewhat clean for about a week. It helped getting a new look and more storage in my living room. Maybe I'll show that off sometime?
I nearly cried holding my friends newest addition yesterday. At only 7 hrs fresh she was so buttery soft, quiet, and perfect. I don't know if it was her sweet chubby cheeks that reminded me of my Leah. But, she was lovely. Congrats again Rainey's!
Im in constant project mode. By that I mean, I always want to do a project. That by no means translates to projects getting completed or even started. I just ripped off all the wallpaper in our basement bath. It is a Huge bathroom. And the only room we haven't touched since the move. I am motivated to finish this project and in a short amount of time. Just because.
I am in a tizy lately about my kiddos getting sick. Blame it on hearing the new (and young) cases of H1N1 in our neck of the woods. A little too close for comfort. I have holed us up for the most part. Don't like taking them out to Wally anymore- its too gross. Which is why I have been seen doing my grocery shopping at 9pm lately. Boo
Leah has officially became a problem sleeper. I know in my heart she really isn't. I keep telling Jeff that "I just know something is off". Is she sick? Teething? Needs more solids? Less solids? The problem is Mommy fixes everything. Maybe that's not a problem, but its tiring.
My Ayla spent the night at my parents house for the first time ever last weekend and had a Blast! She keeps talking about it... so cute. I don't know why its never happened before? We've stayed away from her multiple times.
I read a funny blog yesterday about children's cartoons and how ridiculous they are. Seriously? Has anyone ever seen Max & Ruby, Jungle Junction, etc. Woah. I actually don't mind watching some select gems.
Im mad because the place I ordered Ay's awesome halloween costume from is mysteriously 'refunded' me. Hmmm..
I love to shop. And this is a problem. Because you know that require money. Though everytime I think I have enough clothes for the girls I can't find anything I want them to wear, or get dirty, yet. Ha. Then there is home decor. Ladies, I have lived here for a year and have Very, very little on my walls. I must change this....
I am thinking we should get out of our pajamas and do something. Maybe not?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Soup-er Friday
As I was saying, crock pots are handy. It makes cooking and cleaning up easy. Plus, it makes my house smell lovely! I like to throw chicken or pork in with bbq sauce for the most tender bbq, roast and vegis, soups- like Chelsa's vegi from last week, and this recipe is jewel.
Ranch House Pork Chops.
YUM. Tender. Easy. yum.
4-6 Pork Chops
1 pkt Ranch seasoning (like for dressings, etc)
1 can crm chicken soup
Mix Ranch & soup together. Pour over top of chops. Cook on High 5 hrs or Low 7 hrs. Set it and Forget it. HA I have always wanted to say that.
Remember to link up to add or view recipes. Happy Fall!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thankful Thursday
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.
Proverbs 19:17
Prayer Request
I can't imagine how hard of a phone call that was for him and for my grandma. I wish she was close so I could hug her and encourage her to continue to reconnect with him. She (and Eddie) both live in Florida. She called to see if I could spread a prayer request far and wide for Eddie. Now that I can do. Id like to ask everyone who sees this to cover both my grandma and her brother in prayer. That they can feel peace together and comfort in knowing they have each other no matter what happened many years ago.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another fun weekend
That is what fall is all about in my book. Slowing down. Sipping cidar. Baking oatmeal. Sharing it with friends. For now, I'll try to savour the present til I can watch it go by.
Last weekend we watched our fave lil dudes play soccer. It sure was cold out on the fields with the wind blowing. #19 reason to have babies... they are like little heaters on your lap when its cold out. So pretending to keep Leah warm, we snuggled. Never a bad thing.
Wyatt did great. He's an aggressor on the field. My kind of player. ha.
Later that eve we went to a bday party for my cousin's step-son Aden. He's a bundle of energy, very polite, cheesy cheese for the camera, and had a blast with his friends. There was a hay ride, caramel apples, chili, and dogs over the fire. Now that's fall!! My Aunt Lynn (his gma) did an awesome job party hosting. It was perfect.
This is Ayla with my Papaw seconds after she sweet talked him into spoon feeding her another helping of ice cream! ha She was very spoiled by her great g-parents. They gave her ice cream, cake, brownies, a cookie, and wondered why I squealed at the site of giving her a caramel apple on a stick.