Sunday, February 28, 2010
See Jane Run
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Count Your Blessings: H
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I can see clearly now...
Monday, February 22, 2010
In a funk
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Happy Sunday
Thank goodness the snow that was forcasted blew over... I don't know if I could take another perpetual week locked in the house. I am loving the sun peeking through the clouds and the snow melting. Im very much looking forward to seeing the first signs of spring... green grass and flowers budding.
I didn't take any pics of the girls this week that you haven't seen already. Monday was Leah's 10 month mark. Remember here. She's too funny. A couple things I forgot to mention was her wagging her finger saying "no no no" (on command) and can point to Mama's nose and mouth- not yet distinguishing her own parts. But will on others?
Ayla is ready to burn energy outside. Most days she wakes up and says "what we doin today" with enthusiasm. This week energy was low and cold was high. I hated telling her everyday that we were staying in.
Saturday was our last in season competition. We did well. We have increased our score well each time on the floor. We brought home 3rd out of 4th. Doesn't sound great but there was only 4 points separating us from first place. Not bad. I drove the girls up by myself (3 hrs) and it was a hoot. We laughed til we cried and drank/ate junk. Goodness. Made a late night stop at Kohls and got home around 11pm. Phew. I am tired. But I this group of girls is very special to me.
Today has been busy and we're tired! Jeff and I are both wanting naps. But guess who doesnt? Yep, my almost 3 yr old is trying to phase out naps (Britt you were right). Lately, she really doesn't want to nap. I know she needs rest time... her mood depends on it most days. So I guess I will institute mandatory "rest"time for all our sanity.
Pics to follow. Maybe a video if you're lucky. Happy Sunday!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Count Your Blessings: G
Garden. When its warm I hope to get my hands dirty. And eat healthier...
God's Grace. We are here continuing to sin and He is continuing to forgive. It blows my mind.
Gifts. Im not talking about the gifts you physically buy, wrap, and give. But the gifts the Lord has given us to do, teach, talk, smile, and use. I knew as a little girl I was supposed to be a nurse. I love caring for others, holding their hands, and being a part of the solution to their pain. I knew even more so that I was to be a Mommy first and foremost. My dancers use their gift of dance to make people smile. God has given everyone of us a purpose and heart for something you just have to find it....
GI bug. Right now Leah is just getting over a little gi virus. I know it seems silly that I am thankful for that. What I am thankful for is times get hairy around here I quickly learn I can handle more than I thought, and with more paitence than I knew I had. Thankfully she is pretty much over it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Leah Hope 10 months

Today the snow must be making me crazy to dress my little ladybug up like a little ladybug. But, I realize there is only a few more times when I will be able to get away with this. She's growing up SO fast! Hope you all are staying warm.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Count Your Blessings A-Z :F
Flowers. Random acts of love. First sign of spring. Burst of color by the highway. Apologetic friend. Smiles from a vase. I love flowers. I rarely get them, but when I do its awesome. Gerber daisies please. Preferrably in pink. Or yellow roses are nice. Thank you.

Freedom. We live in a free world with very few limitations. Most can fulfill their dreams, own homes and businesses, come and go as they please, etc. It seems like duh to us, but not all who roam this earth roam free.
Flying. Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about how amazing it is that we are "fly". In an airplane, of course. I freaks me out thinking about us really up in the sky in a huge tube of metal eating pretzels. Past December Leah was able to fly for the first time and did so well. Miss Ayla loved it.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Funny Valentine(s)
We attempted to get group shots. Eek.
Soon after Koen fell off. Boo.)
The three amigos getting into mischief. Blurry action photos- gotta love them.
This is what I have been craft-in up for my little valentines. I like traditions and want to do things the girls can remember us doing with them forever. I got this idea from Kate G. when she was cool- you know... pre stilletos and mini skirts but post tummy tuck and hands on Mommy. She really turns me off now. But there was a time when I thought she was cool.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Another one Bites the dust....
This weekend came and went just as fast as the others lately. But it was a good one. Despite the fact the Colts lost the big game (BOO).
Friday, I braved the weather warnings and left in the afternoon to meet girls for dinner. This is so rare for me to be without children in tow and just relax. I did get a little (very little) spring shopping for the girls, including some adorable Easter baskets to monogram. :) They look just like PB but half the price. I wish I would have snapped some pics. I miss my friends dearly and love spending time with them.
Saturday, I caught up on some cleaning, freezer meals, super bowl food prep, and started planning decor for the girls bday. Don't laugh. I know I have a couple months but time has been flying and I have to use time while I have it. We are really busy right before the parties so I know I will feel better to have it all done. :) I set the themes for both girl's party. I even started making decor- I said don't laugh. I love planning parties!!
Sunday, phew! I worked in JS2 that is Ay's Sunday School class. Directly after we had a pitch in with our small group. We had about 40 min of down time before it was time for Lanie's bday. (One of Ay's besties) We left there to have family over for the Super Bowl. Meaning... no nap for Ayla and late bedtime- ick. And very little nap for lil Booger- ick. Oh well. We made it and we'll make up for it by chillin and catching up this week.

OH WAIT. I doubt we'll be slowing down enough for that? This week my dancers will kick it back up a notch with less than 2 wks til our next competition. Hopefully, we'll get our stuff figured out and do well again. Otherwise, Im planning a little vday playgroup party here. Im so excited! I love crafts and cookies. Wishing I had a maid, personal assistant, and massause (sp?) right about now. OH! And a motivational speaker ... maybe a motivational speaker who gives massages and cleans and organizes all at the same time. I think I just described the job of a mom? Any of you wanna come over.....
Speaking of moms CONGRATS goes to my good friend Chelsa. I am so happy to know Corbin is here and both are healthy. She has been a such a humble servent to the Lord and He has been faithful. We can't wait to meet baby C :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Micky D's
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Simple Pleasures
Watching my babies sleep in my arms.
Wrinkly nosed smiles from my Ladybug.
Cuddly hugs from my Ayla.
Fitting into my skinny jeans.
Sneaking a smell of my girls heads. I love it.
A clean kitchen (very rare).
Sunny days.
Date night with my husband even if we only talk about our kids.
Freshly mopped floors- especially when I didn't have to mop them! :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Too Full Friday
Why is Ayla so infactuated with "boobies". Hope this doesn't offend. She learned the word "boobies" one day and it stuck. Ugh. She calls my bra "boobies" and sings a song when attempting to put it on.
Maybe it has something to do with Tinkerbelle.
Now isn't Tinkerbelle a child? Or at least youth? Why must she be so well indowed?
While we're on the subject... why must I lose weight only in my "boobies"? I have plenty in my arms, belly, and thighs. Sigh*
Why is My Leah growing up. One night this week she ate totally off her plate- on her own. I roasted a chicken so she ate shred chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans (whole), and a roll. Sigh* again.
Why is it the one weekend I have free from obligations and plan a girl's night the forcast calls for rain, ice, & snow?
Why does my washing machine sound like its going to take off like a rocket? And yet sometimes I have to run the spin cycle again? Though we have been truely blessed because in the 5 yrs we've been married we've owned 3 homes and each has had a washer and dryer, meaning we've never had to spend the money on our own. A blessing.. but I dream of the day I get to buy the fancy, steam washer and dryer. ahh...
Hope you guys are having a great Friday!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thankful Thursday: Count Your Blessings A-Z: D & E
Dance. Its more than a hobby. Its something that is in me for good. I am definitely not the best. But its not about being the best. Its about using the talents and passions the Lord gives you for the good. I love all forms of dance... lyrical, hip hop, pom, jazz, contemporary. My love.
Dreams. There are dreams that we keep us thinking all day even after we wake. And there are dreams that stay alive in us all our lives.
Dad. I am a big time Daddy's girl. I always will be. I hope my girls will have that same connection I do with my father. All I know is I love my daddy Alot.
Electricity. Where would we be without it? I tell you, I wouldn't be typing and you wouldn't be reading :)
Easter. Jesus is Alive! My favorite holiday. The celebration of the resurection of Christ!