Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunday Best

My girls last Sunday before church... had a little extra time. gasp. That never happens on a Sunday morning. But, we did. So this is what I have to show of it....


Lindsay Lynch said...

They are absoulutely adorable. Would you please trade me my 2 boys for your 2 girls one Sunday morning. Lol. I totally miss dressing up a baby girl. Seeing Leah's pink skirt makes me miss Mags being a baby. Now she wants to dress herself and pick out her clothes all the time and maybe it's not always what I would have picked out but I guess I have to let her be her own big person. (Ocassionaly its something so crazy though I have to step in.) Anyways they are too cute.

Kelly said...

So stinkin' cute! Love these pictures!

Carissa said...

Oh they are sooooo adorable! Maybe when we get pregnant again, I will have a girl, you will have a boy, and we can switch clothes. Your girls are always dressed so cute. You can only go so far with a boy!