Monday, March 2, 2009

Date Night...

You heard it folks... the Owens' went out on the town Saturday! I was so excited and almost forgot what to do or say without having my lil 'attachment'. Don't get my wrong, I am just as attached to her as she is to me... my buddy!

We figured 1. its been Way too long since we've had a 'date' date and 2. with baby #2 heading our way soon, we better get out why we can. :) Just kidding, bc we take our kids anywhere. How else are they going to learn how to act if we can show them?
Back to the meat...

This is me before we left! A whoppin' 32 weeks pregnant!

We went to Vincennes and got a few items at Lowes (romantic, I know) then headed over to dinner at Montana Mikes. This was our first time going, and I was not impressed. If this is anyone's fave place, I apologize. But, to be honest, just to be out eating w/ my honey and chatting away- Id eat shoelaces! After dinner we headed over to watch a movie. I can't even begin to tell you how long its been since I've sat in those theatre seats. PS. They are not made for pregnancy comfort!

(Im rambling)
We watched Taken.... creepy, suspensful, and sad. I would reccomend it if you're up for a thriller.


Anonymous said...

how funny, Kevin and I did the same about a week before Pierce was born.. and yeah, we haven't done it since!! We are due though our 5 year anniversary is coming up in April, so i'm praying for a weekend away!!!

Tera said...

Couldn't see your toesies in the belly shot...wondered what kind of cute shoes you were wearing since you'd told me your toes got cold on the date! :) Your old house is adorable!! Can't believe it hasn't sold yet! Hopefully the open house was a success and you'll get a definite buyer soon. Miss Leah will be here very soon!

Leah Robinson said...

How fun!! I love date nights!! You both are so cute together!

Beth said...

look how cute you are! my favorite dates are to Lowe's or there's the elusive Target date in evansville. i really don't care what we do, as long as we do something. although your date sounds very fun.
i see that i am on your blog list now. i have never been so happy in all my life! thanks!
have a great day! -beth