Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Patience is a virtue.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Preparing for our New Arrival!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For a long time now I had been following a certain blog. I loved to hear the story of such strong faith-filled parents who gave their child to God believing whatever His will be done, regardless of every doctor telling them their little boy would surely die before coming into this world. Millions of people across the world started praying for Stellan.
I do not know this woman, but feel like I have grown to know and respect her for courage and faith. She even joined with all of us praying for Andon when invited. Her little boy Stellan was born, at term, completely healthy without any heart issues he was having in utero. It was a miracle. Even though, I think the courage it took to give so selfishly up to God by his parents was equally a miracle.
Over the past couple days Stellan grew very ill, very unexpectedly. The heart issue that all was certain he was healed is back.
I added a link on Stellan's behalf. If you haven't read his story please do, its amazing (located left side of their page). And if you feel convicted... pray.
It just reminds me to slow down a bit. With all the "pain" I have been having through this pregnancy it wouldn't compare to the pain this family has seen over and over. Yet they are face forward, unwavering and steadfast. I have had a peace over me the past couple days- whenever its His time Leah will come. If that means she will be born prematurely, we will understand and move forward. We are so excited to invite her into our family. Whenever that day comes....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Cooking with my baby!
I took the time (in between rest periods) to cook with my baby. I won't be able to say that for long, because soon she'll be a big sis! She loved the idea.... she is picking up so much vocabulary. Out of the blue she'd say "scoop" and "do it?" Such a big girl!
It was very low stress and fun. This recipe however is very time consuming & has alot of ingredients. But, please do not let that stop you from trying it. It is so worth it to give your kids something that came from your own kitchen, that is healthy, and best of all easy! I totally had a heavy hand in the choc chips this time. No complaints from me though! Keep reading because I added a couple tips from my own experience...
Ayla's Peanut Butter Snack Balls
adapted from Kitchen Cafe
2c honey
6c PNB
3c Rice Krispies
1 1/2c Grape Nuts
3/4c applesauce
2c coconut
3c crushed cereal (I had Life & HN Cheerios on hand)
1 1/2 Chocolate Chips (or raisins, craisins, or skip this step)
5-8T powdered milk
4c crushed Mini Wheats
*Tips: I always halve this exact recipe for my family. So it will fit in my mixer and so I don't have to mess with the huge amt of ingredients.
If you halve this recipe- for the applesauce I just drop in one applesauce cup from our snacks.
Use any kind of cereal you have around for the crushed cereal that you want to get rid of. Don't suggest using anything fruity or super sweetened.
Mix all but the last two ingredients. Then add pow. milk like flour to mixture. Form balls with dough about 1'' or whatever size you'd like. Roll the balls in the crushed Mini Wheats. Freeze.
We hope you enjoy! I didn't get a picture of the final product, but use your imagination.... better yet go and make them with your baby! Have a great weekend....
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Goal: 2 weeks
Last night was an awful night. I was up laboring from 11-1ish. But, it wasn't too "regular" and very hard to count on my own. So, its late and I don't want to wake Jeff up too early in case this is it. My back and hips are killing me! I don't remember any of this with Ayla? Im not sure if it is because I walked alot more while pregnant with her bc it was a little later in spring? Everything starts going through my head trying to figure out who would sleep with Ayla and why didn't I pack her a bag yet... boo.
I knew I had an apt in the am, so I tried to get comfortable and was able to sleep a bit. Dr. F checked me this am and things had moved along since last week. I am now 2 cm and 70% effaced. This is Exactly where I was with Ayla at my 35 wk apt. I had her 5 days later.... ekk.
MD wants to set a goal for 2 weeks, but realistically thinks I will go sometime next week. As crappy as I am feeling I feel like she could be here any second. HA I am very torn. Physically I am very ready to have this baby (as I type through contractions). Mentally, I know this baby needs to cook as long as possible and I want a healthy baby! This is tough....
Thank you all for your support, kind words, and prayers. I need them and feel them around me... I will keep you guys as close as possible and hopefully take my computer with me to the hospital.
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, & prayers. I need them and can feel them around me....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
As time grows closer...
Things have really been great for this pregnancy. No big problems. A few ups & downs, but overall I can't complain. I thank God every day for this lil girl inside me. I crave to feel her move and smile every time I feel a kick. Lately, I have been a little "crazy mom". I hesitate writing it, but I thought one day I would laugh at my neurosis.... I hope.
A back story on Ayla's 'labor' day. I was working my usual 12hr shift when I thought I began to spot. I freaked out a bit. Then called my MD. His nurse told me to go home and rest. I immediately went to my charge nurse and said "Im leaving" then broke into tears. I look back now and am like... woah, I just left my patients to her, poor girl! I got home and took a shower then lay down on my bed. Jeff came home so I sent him out for Mac n Cheese (don't judge). I had just worked 11hrs without any food. He obliged without hesitation. Not more than 3 mins after he left my water broke while laying in bed. I froze. Really. Everything I knew and thought I knew went out the window. But, then I was like ok... this is gross. HA. It was like a SNL skit after that me trying to fumble around calling Jeff while a towel in between my legs. He got home and I stood there in my soaked panties, wrapped in towels. Not my finest hour. We called L&D and off we went. I was 36 weeks pregnant, and a peace was over me that everything was going to be fine.
Speed up to today... as I type through contractions. Yep. All week... contractions. : / Every time I go to the bathroom I expect to see me spotting again or something. I am
Tomorrow I will be 35 weeks pregnant.
I, again, have a peace over me that when she decides to come today or in 4 weeks; everything is going to be how it is written. I know God has a plan for me and my daughters. Its hard to always give up control. But, pregnancy is one of those awesome responsibilies that we are given. We don't have control of the outcome but get to enjoy the closest ride.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
We <3 Spring!
Most favorite activities included picking up rocks, trying to ingest rocks, chasing ducks, and running around like wild hooligans.
If you could do anything today....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sugar Cookie Cut-outs!
The flu has left the building...
I wish I was only kidding! ha Thankfully, Jeff's sickies came & went quickly. But, it held on strong to little Ayla until Tuesday eve. Since then she has wanted to eat everything in sight. Thursday she had a pudding before dinner, ate quesadillas, tomatoes, etc for dinner, then an hour later asked for cereal + 2 bowls more after that! ha
I guess she is just catching up. Because she's happy as a lark now! Its so nice to have my girl back. Since she got better I noticed she's talking more. Definitely connecting 2-3 words together and pulling a huge vocabulary out of the air! What a smart girl. I love listening to her talk & sing. :)
We had a MD apt on Friday- everything checked out great. I haven't progressed anymore since last week, so that is good. That evening we headed up to Indy to stay the night. I'll have to devote a post to that soon. We went to the Children's Museum (so much fun), then to my cousin Lauren's 3rd bday! Today, we did alot of work in & out the house- so its been a busy weekend and now we're pooped!
So be on the look out for many random posts as my nesting grows exceedingly crazy including my blogging! You should see many new pics, Leah's rearrangment, my fave recipes, and more..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Nesting in Full Effect!
33 weeks.. nurses make the worst patients
So, I was supposed to rest all weekend. HA Again, I laugh. Because if someone asked me before the "scare" what I was going to do all weekend. I would have replied something to the effect of wanting to relax and enjoy the weather..... Nurses make the worst patients, we're too stubborn.
Well, we did try to take advantage of the weather as much as possible, but relax, not so much. Saturday we did the rest of maternity pictures which was alot of fun because really we were just hanging out with our friends the Bean's. You all should head over to their site to check some out... we just LOVE them all! I couldn't help but add a couple myself. I was quite pooped when we were done so did take a nap, but once Ayla was up from her we quickly realized she may be getting the stomach bug.

Sunday came and once we got back from working the nursery at church, Jeff spoke up and said he didn't feel so good.
My next apt for Leah is Friday. He will check me again to see if I dilated anymore. And hopefully won't see him again for another week after that. Thank you all who prayed for us this weekend, keep them coming! We know God is in control, and are prepared for whatever is next.
Friday, March 6, 2009
A little bit of stress to slow us down...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Good Night... Slept Tight
I felt drugged I was so tired by the time we got home. We put Ay down to sleep and after a hot bath I was quickly under my covers.... 4 oclock rolled by and NO PEEP! I hadn't even gotten up to pee, people! I was so taken off guard it took me awhile to get back to sleep (not really). We delightfully woke around 8. So now I sit here a little more refreshed- thanking everyone for praying for us!
I am currently working on a post about my crazy nesting habits. Im nuts... seriously. Thankfully, I have a great husband who will pretty much pick up a hammer, paintbrush, mop, etc when I ask! Especially if its for Leah :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Not sure if its from the labor, exertion or stress... or maybe the 'continued stimulation'- but fatigue has set in....
OH yes. The joys of having a toddler. Really, isn't teething eventually supposed to end?! Ayla has had almost all her teeth since her first birthday. As we quickly approach her 2nd birthday, we are enjoying the added benefit of canine teeth. We are on our last booger which has been "dropping" for 3 weeks now... really, just come through already! My friend Jen just described her depiction of hell as a house full of mice you can't ever catch. Im leaning more toward a never ending battle of teething... AHHH That is seriously the scariest image at this point in time.
Ok. Maybe not the scariest, but its close. Regarless, this mama is tired. I was up 1030-2, Jeff 2-4, Me again 4-430..... Rocking, singing, sitting on the floor next to the crib, plus teething gel & ibuprophen- Notta, nothing, zip helped. Eventually, Ayla made her way snuggled between two very tired parents. She still laid, rolling, and restless. UGh. Daddy's alarm blew at 6am sharp with Ayla finally snoring, and Mommy close behind. Poor Daddy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Date Night...

Sunday, March 1, 2009
32 weeks & thanks

****I wanted to add an update from our Open House. It went incredibly well! We had multiple people go through, all had positive comments and I think we have possible leads to getting our home sold Soon! So thank you all for praying!****