Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am very thankful for the parents we have been given. Both of our parents, Jeff and mine, have volunteered to swoop up our children and care for them while we are gone. This may not seem huge to some, but it is to me.

It is hard for me to give up control of my children. I like to see what they eat, drink, play, watch, read & wear. You should see the list of foods, clothing packed up in bundles to make it easy to know what to put them in, I typed up medical release forms... let's just say I take my job as a Mom very seriously.

Despite my crazy, obsessed organizational skills Mimi & Mamaw are going to have a blast with my girls. I am going to try to breathe and not worry about it. Because at the end of the day not many get the chance to spend that much time with their grandparents and they are making memories.

Thank you Mom and Dad. Thank you Arlene & Mike.
Thank you Lord for blessings us with such wonderful parents!

1 comment:

Chelsa said...

i'm so thankful for my parents too!

glad you got blessed in that dept. too!