She has such a personality. Its contagious. She loves her newfound freedom in movement. She has mastered moving all around the house on her belly. Pulls up on almost everything. Loves dancing and jumping.
She seems to think she has a public driving by wishing her happy 3/4 bday.
Miss Leah at 9 mo is....
moving all over the place.
loves music. Claps and bounces with anything musical.
19 lbs. Wearing size 3 diapers & 9/6-12 mo clothes.
Still very attached to Mommy. But lights up at the sight of Daddy.
Loves to feed herself anything. Kinda difficult to spoon feed at times. I realized her age when she sat and ate dinner with all of us that consisted of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and a roll.
Pulling up, but not yet cruizing. Can sit back down from standing position.
Has enough hair for a wee lil pony.
Consistantly uses the sign "more" when she likes our singing or dancing. No new signs this month. Bad Mommy!
Her words right now.... Mama, Dada, Buh buh (bye and waves). She has started inflecting. Having little conversations with herself. Everything is DA. She will say Da as a matter a fact and then I will mimic and she'll look at me and change her tone Daaaa. I will change my tone and repeat. So cute. She thinks she's really saying something. Da. Dadadadaa daa. Da.
Now has 6 teeth total. Top 4 finished dropping this week. Kinda looks like a vampire bc the inner ones came up second.
Eats everything, everywhere. Reminder: I need to vaccum.
Perfectly, perfect in every way.
How cute is she? I love the little pony and I know exactly what you mean they have to get big but don't you wish they could stay the way they are now forever. Take Care.
i can't believe she is 9 months old!! she is just precious!
Wow, can't believe it has been 9 months already!
Awe...time goes so fast! She is gorgeous!
Where did the time go? I love her kissing the window!!
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