Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday Count Your Blessings: A-Z- B

Thank you Lord for your many blessings.

Best Friends. Ayla has such great friends. Too many to count. I feel so blessed to watch her interact at playgroup with all her lil buddies. Its so cute. Two in particular are her besties. She has grown up with Lanie from the beginning. You think they were cute then.. wait 13 years and I am fearful for their daddy's! Miss Meredith is her other besties and currently asks to see her daily. I would oblige, because I must admit I do like spending time with Mere's mom just as much. These girls play so well together.

Ayla & Lanie summer 08

Meredith, Ayla & Lanie Jan 2010

Blogging. Iam so thankful for an outlet for my thoughts, a place to archive family events, and reach out to other moms.

Bath time. I love watching my girls take baths together. So sweet. For thier age difference they play great together. I let them laugh and splash while we talk about colors and numbers until they are wrinkly.

Fresh Baked Bread. The smell in my home. The sense of accomplishment it gives me. I just love to bake bread. and Baking. I love to bake. Cookies especially. Great gifts, great for my thighs. Another creative outlet. I get inspired by sites like She is SO cool!


Blue Skies.

Brain. The Lord has give us a brain to use and think and do good things with. If you were lucky enough to have studied anatomy in school, you know how amazing it is! Your brain controls everything you think, do, say, react, etc. Someone is really smart, you know. I am not only thankful for my Brain, but also my Body. That I can walk, run, dance and enjoy this great world. I have a good friend who knows how it feels to think she can't do these things. I am sure it was frightning.

Body of Christ. God sent his only son to die on the cross for us to be here. Us, sinners to be clean. It still is crazy to think of! Such a great sacrifice. And all He asks us in return is to love and honor his law.

Bible. 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105